






Android是支持多进程的,每个进程的内存使用限制一般为24MB的内存,所以当完成一些很耗费内存的操作如处理高分辨率图片时,需要单独开一个进程来执行该操作(上面的配置可以用来实现该操作)。即便如此,开发者还是不要随意多开进程来耗费用户的资源。(内存限制,有16MB24MB 32MB,很老的机型的内存限制会是16MB,这个具体还要再搜索下资料。。)



                                 How to work around Androids 24 MB memory limit

The Android framework enforces a per-process 24 MB memory limit. On some older devices, such as the G1, the limit is even lower at 16 MB.

Whats more, the memory used by Bitmaps is included in the limit. For an application manipulating images it is pretty easy to reach this limit and get the process killed with an OOM exception:

E/dalvikvm-heap(12517): 1048576-byte external allocation too large for this process.
E/GraphicsJNI(12517): VM won't let us allocate 1048576 bytes
D/AndroidRuntime(12517): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm(12517): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d7f0)
E/AndroidRuntime(12517): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime(12517): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

This limit is ridiculously low. For a device, like the Nexus One, with 512MB of physical RAM, setting the per-process memory limit for the foreground activity to only 5% of the RAM is a silly mistake. But anyway, thats how things are and we have to live with it i.e. find how to work around it.

There are two ways to allocate much more memory than the limit:

One way is to allocate memory from native code. Using the NDK (native development kit) and JNI, its possible to allocate memory from the C level (e.g. malloc/free or new/delete), and such allocations are not counted towards the 24 MB limit. Its true, allocating memory from native code is not as convenient as from Java, but it can be used to store some large amounts of data in RAM (even image data).

Another way, which works well for images, is to use OpenGL textures the texture memory is not counted towards the limit.

To see how much memory your app has really allocated you can use android.os.Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize().

Using either of the two techniques presented above, on a Nexus One, I could easily allocate 300MB for a single foreground process more than 10 times the default 24 MB limit.

7 楼 jlyybz 2014-08-15  
6 楼 337240552 2012-07-25  
亲们 不要用remote这个字就可以了 你安装规则 随便起个 比如com.hoot.remote_service就不会报哪个错了
5 楼 337240552 2012-07-25  
android:process="remote"这个属性 貌似能成功的没几个人
4 楼 MichelleWang 2012-06-29  
ericchan2012 写道
<service android:name=".AidlService"
                    <action android:name="com.mine.aidlserver.aidlserver" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

在安装的时候,老是Installation error: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED,请问是什么问题

3 楼 ericchan2012 2012-06-06  
<service android:name=".AidlService"
                    <action android:name="com.mine.aidlserver.aidlserver" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

在安装的时候,老是Installation error: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED,请问是什么问题
2 楼 MichelleWang 2012-03-29  
2006003845 写道

1 楼 2006003845 2012-03-27  


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